Friday, December 10, 2010

Jewelry as a Gift

Buying jewelry as a gift can be exciting, or it can be scary!  It can be a very personal gift or can be impersonal as well, depending on the type of jewelry.  Diamond earrings are a romantic gift where as a brooch seems to be on the less personal end of the spectrum.

How to pick jewelry out for someone else?  Well one good question to ask yourself is, what sort of jewelry have you seen them wear in the past?  Do they wear a lot of silver bracelets or rings?  Do they seem to stick with themes with their jewelry?  Do they wear yellow gold?  These are important places to start.  You might not want buy a yellow gold necklace for someone who only wears white gold.  And you don't want to purchase silver for someone who may have an allergy.

If you are purchasing earrings for good friends that you know where earrings, it might be an easy task to pick out a pair that you can picture them wearing.  Or picking out a cute necklace that you know will look nice on them, might be fairly simple.  However, if you are looking to purchase for someone you don't know as well, a great aunt or a neighbor, it can be a little trickier. 

When you don't know the recipient very well, try to stay somewhat neutral.  Don't go for a really flashy gemstone or a large piece.  Perhaps a simple pendant.  Necklaces or brooches can be a safer bet to buy for those you don't know as well.  A black onyx necklace for example, can be pretty and simple and will go with just about anything.  Or how about pearls?  It doesn't need to a a string of pearls but could be a simple pearl pendant on a chain.  Again, it would be a fairly neutral option. 

Jewelry can be a well appreciated gift.  It often shows how well we know someone and how much thought we put into purchasing a special gift for someone we care about.